Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

In the Beginning...

Gabe: Granby, Did God say, "let there be light?"

Me: "Yes he did"

Gabe: ...And then it just became light.

Me: just became light.

Gabe: So....God just said it and it did it?

Me: Yep!

Gabe: Yep....."He's The Man!!!"

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Waiting Game

I called Sam yesterday to let him know that I was going to Walmart to pick up some propane for the grill and I would be home later, while I was there, he showed up to drop off some prescriptions. Well...I felt bad for him because he was so sick so I told him to take the gas home and I would wait for his medicine. And Wait I did......

When it was dropped off they said it would take 30 minutes...well, I can't stand to just wait in line so I go browsing....I thought that I would make Sam a homemade Red Velvet Cake to make him feel better, so I go get the flour, buttermilk, cocoa, food coloring, etc... I then go and get in line at the pharmacy(30 minutes are up), wait in line another 10 minutes only to be told "It's not ready, give us 30 minutes)!!!!

Sooooo....    I go browsing again, this time I find myself in the craft section and I decide that I'm going to make my Granddaughters a Tutu. I get all the material needed and head back to the pharmacy. I wait in line another 10 minutes only to be told...guess what? you got it...."it's not ready, give us ten more minutes."

I was LIVID! I also decided to just wait at the counter because...quite frankly, I just couldn't AFFORD any more " Browsing".

Finally got the prespriptions, paid for them and all my other goodies and headed home. I hate to wait but...

Sam got a Red Velvet Cake

and the girls each got a Tutu!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Plan

1. Blog daily weekly.

2. Blog at least 3x's,   2x's,   Blog at least once a week.

3. Try not to solely blog about my Grandchildren.
3. Try not to continually remind people how stinkin cute my Grandchildren are.
3.Try not to constantly talk about Gabe and his many adventures.
3.Try not to tell people about Princess Ellie who doubles as Lava Girl.
3. Try not to talk about Maggie Moo the wild child.
3. Try not to bore people to death with stories that don't mention the above.

4. Blog about the things that are important to me and those in my life.

This Blog will be very rambling until I catch up, so bear with me and check back least once a week!

Back to the world of Bloggin!

I Know, I Know...I have been very lax about posting, my defence, this has been a heck of a year! My mom has been very ill and my weeks were filled with Dr. appointments and Hospital stays. I'm happy to say that we seem to have the correct diagnosis after a year and a half of searching.

Polimyalgia Rheumatica

We're hoping and Praying that my Mom can get back to some quality of Life....If she's able to do this, it also means that my life my get back to normal!

Fingers Crossed!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba!

Our Princess Ellison turned 2 on Feb. 4th.

It was  a Yo Gabba Gabba Day!

Gabe Turns 3!

Gabe turned 3 on December 1st., and can you guess what the party theme was?

Pirates of course!

Gabe blowing out his candles (Notice the "Santa" Boots)

Gabe's Pirate Scowl

Friday, January 29, 2010's January 27th and we are under a Winter Storm Warning! ughhhhh
I am sooooo ready for Spring...let's face it, unless you are of school age there's really nothing in it for me.
Don't get me wrong...I think that the snow is beautiful but after it stays around for a few hours., I want it GONE!!!

To me..Jan-March is the longest and saddest time of the year. I mean....what is there to look forward to?
Groundhogs Day?

The other 3/4 of the year there is always something to Love.


 I love when the plants and trees start to bloom.
I love Easter.
I love that the days start to get longer.
I love the smell of freshly cut grass.
I love to fish.


I love The 4th of July.
I love to swim.
I love to play outside with my Grandchildren.
(Did I Mention)I love to fish.

(My favorite time of the year)

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Halloween!
I love the crispness in the air.
I love the colors.
I Love Alabama Football!
I (kinda) love Thanksgiving.
I Love Black Friday with my girls.


I Love Christmas.
Other than that., I would gladly skip the rest of the season and head straight to Spring.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Facebook...The Good and the Bad

I've recently started doing the facebook thing and I have to's addictive. So...that being said, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one. There are some positives and some negatives so I thought I would list both and see if I want to stick with it.

I've connected with people that I have not even thought about since High School.

Good: I may have not thought about these people much but when I found them on Facebook, It was so heartwarming to see where they are in life. I also felt an immediate familiarity to them.

Bad: I also have to share in their heartache. If I had seen the story on the news or in a newspaper about the 25 yr. old man that had died during a duck hunting would have still been sad, but to now know that he was a son of someone I went to High School with and have just recently connected with, heart is breaking.

I get to follow my Boys lives and their doings more.

Good: I get to see their opinions and feelings about things that motivate them.

Bad: I don't always agree with those opinions!

My nieces, who are growing up way too fast, post often and I get to see a little of their life.

Good: I love seeing the pictures they post of the good times they are having in school.

Bad: I see where my oldest niece is posting about just getting home at 2am! (she is in college) but still!!!

I know it takes time to stay on top of this and I really don't know if I can devote that much time in front of my computer...oh , what am I saying, I'm on this thing all the time! I think I'll keep it up ... for now anyway. I know if my boys or my nieces read this they will be begging me to never sign into Facebook again.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

How bout Elmo?

I had the Following conversation with my Granddaughter yesterday.

I had just picked her up from Daycare and as soon as I put her in the Car seat she asked,

Ellie: Where Elmo Movie?

Me: Darlin...Grandby doesn't have the Elmo movie anymore....Remember? I gave it to you so that you could watch it in Mommy and Daddy's car. How about we go to Walmart and get some new movies to keep in Granby's van.

Ellie nods

Me: How about a Dora movie?
Ellie: How bout Elmo?

Me: How about Mickey Mouse?
Ellie: How bout Elmo?

Me: How about......Yo Gabba Gabba!!!
Ellie: How bout....Elmo!!!

Me: OK....How bout Elmo?

Ellie: How bout Dora?

She never missed a beat....

Stubborn is as Stubborn does

As most of you know, my grandson Gabe thinks that he's Jack Sparrow. Well...for weeks now he has argued with me over a line in the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

There is a scene where Jack is in Davy Jones locker and he is hallucinating. He grabs hold of a rope and before he swings off, he turns around and says "Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness"

Gabe insists that he says, "Gentlemen, I lost my head of this business"

No matter how many times I back up the DVD, he will NOT admit he's wrong!