Monday, December 17, 2007

Sam's Birthday

We celebrated Sam's Birthday last weekend by surprising him at a restaurant. All of the family with the exception of my brother and his family were there. Sarah, (my niece) was having her birthday party with her friends at her house. Even though it was Sam's birthday, for some strange reason, all my pictures were of Gabe!

Cousin Erin thought it would be funny to give Gabe a lemon...obviously he didn't think it was very funny!

Christmas with the Kosmicki's

This Sunday night we had our annual Christmas "Breakfast" with the Kosmicki's. It's so hard for me to believe that we will never be together at my house again. Jack, Susie, Cami and Max are so special to us that it is making leaving much harder. Here's just a few pictures from Sunday night.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Happy Birthday Gabe!!!

December 1st, 2007

Not really loving the hat!

Toys, Toys & more toys!!!!

Finally.....The Cake!

Happy Birthday to our precious boy.

We love you,

Granby , Papa, Uncle Cody, Uncle Josh & Aunt Kelly

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Sarah!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Deck the....

Well, this is about all the "decking" I'll be doing this year.

It makes me so, so sad, but there isn't any reason to drag all my decorations out for no one. We will be in Alabama for most of the Holidays. This is the 1st time in about 30 years that I have not put up a tree. I'll probably get out the little 2 foot tree for Cami and Max. I look forward to next year and our new home and being able to really Deck the Halls!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Playing in the leaves

Monday, November 26, 2007

Black Friday

Call me crazy, stupid, or a glutton for punishment, but for the last 3 years my nieces and I have braved the crowds and hit the town for the after Thanksgiving Day sales. This is one tradition that I hope lasts a long time. All four spend the night with me Thanksgiving night. We wake up about 4:30 am, get dressed and go out for breakfast (Cracker Barrel) then we hit the Mall. We have a really good time listening (and singing) to the Christmas songs in the car and just acting crazy. Of course, by 9:30am, we're all ready to go home and go to bed. It wouldn't be that bad if we could go to bed earlier but when you don't go to bed until 1:30am and then get up at 4:30am, that bed starts calling. But, when those 4 get together, sleep is the last thing on their mind. Here's a few pictures of the girls sometime after midnight.

Gabe loves a cell phone!



Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The process has begun...

Sorry that I haven't written in a while but this whole "moving" thing has got me running around in circles. I'm trying to decide what to throw out and what to keep. It's amazing the amount of crap you can accumulate over the years! I decided that I would start the smallest room (our bath). So far I have one full bag of trash and one bag for goodwill. At this rate I'll be finished by June! I've got to kick it into high gear. Maybe one reason I can't get motivated is that it's going to be very hard to leave this place. We've lived here longer than we've ever lived in one place. Cody has actually grown up here and there are many memories.

Sam is leaving Sunday for Alabama. He'll be working in Huntsville during Thanksgiving week. Cody and I'll be leaving on Weds., then we'll all return to Greenville for the week of the 26th. After that, Sam will be "officially" in Birmingham. I will continue to travel back and forth until the house sells.

Yes, case you're wondering, Cody will remain in Clemson, although...I keep reminding him that Tuscaloosa (UA) is just down the road from Birmingham.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Gabe at 11 months

Big, Big, Big News!!!

We are not moving to Nashville, I repeat...not moving to Nashville!! Sam's company has decided that they do not want to lose him so......We're moving to (drum roll, please) BIRMINGHAM, A-L-A-B-A-M-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Details later....

Happy Birthday, Greg!!

Awww......Look how cute!

What the heck happened? Guess those 41 years really took their toll on ya!

Just'll always be my "cute" little brother.

Love ya

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Spook Central

...Just a few of the Little Spooks that knocked on my door!

Spiderella (Cami)

Storm Trooper (Max)

Monster minus his mask (Zane)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Birthday, Josh!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Big News!

We're Moving!

Anyone want to buy a house? My husband will be starting his new job in 2 weeks and we need to sell fast! We will be in Nashville, Tn. for about a year, and then we'll be in Chattanooga, Tn. Nashville is about 2 hours from family and Chattanooga is about an hour. While I'm extremely happy about the move, I'm also saddened to be leaving what has been our home for 13 years. Cody has grown up here and will still be attending Clemson University. I have made many friends and gained extended "family" here. My biggest sorrow is leaving Max and Cami. I have loved these 2 since the day they were born and it breaks my heart. I will always try to be involved in their lives as long as they will let me. I plan on visiting often! I will also miss a number of friends, Emily O., Susie and Kos, Reva, Shirley, Claire, Judy, Dianna, Angie, Jill, ...just to name a few. I'll really miss my very good friend Brenda, but, I'll never lose touch with her. We don't talk a lot but I always know I can call anytime.

We were hoping for a little more time. I was wanting to make the move this spring, but they seem to be in a hurry for us, so they want us by December 14th. I'll post more as things progress. In the meantime,....Please Pray for us.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Zebra Sighting!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Prayers needed!!!! ***UPDATE***

We're headed to Alabama. We just got word that my Grandfather has suffered a massive Heart Attack and is in ICU. The next 48 hours are critical.

***My Grandfather's first words to me when I arrived at the Hospital were, "You can't keep a good man down". He's now home and doing fine, not bad for an 87 year old!

***Please also pray for Andrea's grandfather, James Baker. He was hospitalized with a blockage in his small intestine. The doctors are going to try to cure this with medicine. If they cannot cure this with medicine, they are afraid to operate. His past heart conditions will not allow them to operate without complications.

Monday, October 22, 2007

A Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

Gabe at Tate Farms

Clap with me Dad!

Don't think he liked the taste of Hay


Loving the slide!