Friday, June 22, 2012

"Just because I Love You Day"

Ellie: Granby, My daddy made me a "Just because I Love you day" cake last night. :(

Me: Oh wow, That's great!

Ellie: No, no, no, it's not!

It's not my birthday!

It's not even Christmas!

I didn't want a "Just because I Love you Day" cake!

Ellie: But Granby......if you want to get me a "Just because I Love you Day" present,

That will be Okay!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ni- ag- na Falls (Gabe's Version)

Anyone remember this?

If you're a man....probably so
A woman...maybe not

I have never understood Men's obsession with the Three Stooges but aparently it starts at a very young age (See evidence below)

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Wal-Mart Curse

Yep...I have it. The dreaded Wal-mart curse. I'm sure a lot of you have it too. Not sure? close attention to the symptoms listed for you...

Symptoms:* The feeling of absolute fear and anxiety washes over you the moment you realize you have   to go to Wal-mart on a Saturday.
* The inability to stay away from the chocolate covered marshmallow eggs on the Easter isle.
*Anger and frustration  builds up in the pharmacy from waiting on your medicine for high -blood pressure so much so that you need to call your Dr. and ask him to increase the dosage before you leave.
*Your eyes will play tricks on you, the list you left the house with will start to grow longer and longer,
and matter how hard you try, you are unable to walk out UNDER  $100.00. I've tried and I just can't do it...but, I came close tonight

I will beat this!