My Dad had it
My Brother has it
My Son has it
My nieces have it
Not me...I can't carry a tune in a bucket, much less play an instrument. My Dad could play any instrument put in his hand. I've heard him play a guitar, bass and electric, "fiddle", mandolin,
banjo, piano, organ, even a trumpet. Daddy never had a music lesson, it just came natural.
banjo, piano, organ, even a trumpet. Daddy never had a music lesson, it just came natural.
My brother Greg and my son Jake play guitar and my niece Sarah plays piano. Audrey and Sarah have beautiful voices, as did my Dad.
Growing up, Music was a big part of my life. My Dad had a band and they played somewhere every weekend. He even went to Nashville and he had an agent. He also cut a few records. He pursued his dream for several years. I don't know if he ever really thought he would make it big, I just think he absolutely loved playing and singing.
About a month ago, a man that used to play music with my Dad came to see my mom and invited her to hear a young man (his nephew) sing. This young man was going to be singing a song that my Dad wrote and recorded. The name of the song is "Look Out, Heart". My Mom couldn't go. I don't know if I could have either, you see...there is only one person I hear when I think about that song and he's not here to sing it anymore.
I recently told Audrey and Sarah to take music lessons, especially singing lessons. Music is a language. I hope they take the time to learn it.