Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Well, this was a first. This was the only time I can remember that our big cookout was actually cut short by the weather! It wasn't the rain, necessarily, it was the lightning. Things were a little out of sorts this year from the beginning. We were missing some Key family members. My son Cody had to stay in Greenville to work and My sister and her family were in Orlando. The girls (Emilee & Erin) were in a National Dance Competition, but...the food was great and there were around 100 or more people there. We made it through the cooking of the chicken and ribs and everyone got to sit down and eat without 1 raindrop falling. Then the bottom fell out of the sky!, and to top it off, because we had rain all around us the entire week but never at our place, we decided NOT to put the tents up this year, but because it was more than just a rain shower, (which has happened to us many times over the years) most people had no choice but to leave.

(The "BIG MEAT" is cooked all night on an inside barbecue pit, the coals are placed from the outside into 2 doors on the backside of the pit.)

We still managed to retain a few for the annual "sitting around & talking", But because most of the women couldn't cut a few drops of rain and even fewer bolts of lightning, the men that were left didn't want to revisit the past as we always do, instead the talk was mainly FOOTBALL.

We still had a great time, and next year the tents go up

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